YMCA STEM Alliance

Come see what your kids are capable of doing and learn how to encourage their hands-on explorations! This special Tinkering Night is for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders and their caregivers. Parent(s) must attend, drop-off and younger siblings not permitted. Please register soon. There is a limit of three participants per family. Includes Child and Caregiver.

People usually tinker to make slight improvements upon something or to fix things. We find that tinkering is the perfect way to introduce children to STEM Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

La gente suele hacer pequeños retoques para hacer pequeñas mejorias en algo o para arreglar cosas. Descubrimos que jugar es la manera perfecta de presentarles a los niños las ciencias, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas STEM.

¡Venga para ver lo que sus hijos son capaces de hacer y aprenda cómo fomentar sus exploraciones prácticas! Esta Noche de retoques especial es para estudiantes de 3.º, 4.º y 5.º grado y sus cuidadores. Los padres deben asistir, no se permite dejar a los niños solos, y no pueden asistir hermanos menores. Regístrese pronto ya que la capacidad es limitada.



Our Facility

50 Weyman Avenue, New Rochelle, NY, 10805
Event Details
Apr 1, 6:00 pm - Apr 1, 7:30 pm
2025-04-01 18:00:00 2025-04-01 19:30:00 America/New_York Tinkering Night! - STEM Alliance Program Come see what your kids are capable of doing and learn how to encourage their hands-on explorations! This special Tinkering Night is for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders and their caregivers. Parent(s) must attend, drop-off and younger siblings not permitted. Please register soon. There is a limit of three ... Our Facility Our Facility
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